
Policy For Customer Use of Library Spaces


The purpose of this policy is to express the roles and responsibilities customers have to ensure
the library’s physical and virtual spaces are welcoming, safe, and secure for all.


  • The library’s mission to “educate and enrich our community through free access to
    resources and programs” is achieved in part by the willingness of its customers to respect
    one another and coexist in library spaces.

  • Physical and virtual library spaces are designed to be used for multiple purposes and are
    intended to be used by a diverse community of customers.

  • Public library spaces are precious community assets that rely on the stewardship, mutual
    support, and goodwill of all.

  • Library staff, whose responsibility is to help you get the most from your library
    experience and to maintain a safe and comfortable atmosphere must be respected.

  • A library card is a contract with the library. Use it responsibly, enjoy the benefits it
    offers, and understand when privileges may be suspended.

  • Staff may request customers to show library cards or other documents (driver’s license,
    school ID, e.g.) for purpose of identification if not complying with this policy.

Customer Responsibilities

Each customer has a personal responsibility to ensure that Queen Anne’s County Library is a
welcoming public library environment for all.

Customers are participants in a shared, public use environment and must conduct themselves
accordingly. They will be courteous, considerate and understanding of other library customers
and staff.

Parents and caregivers are responsible for supervising the activities and choices of their charges.

Customers are stewards of the library and its resources. They will value and respect library
property and conduct themselves in a safe and orderly way.

Customers will comply with federal, state, and local laws and Queen Anne’s County Library

Each customer has a personal responsibility to take steps to reduce the transmission of an infectious disease in the Queen Anne’s County Library. During an infectious disease outbreak, it is critical that customers do not come into the library while they are ill and/or experiencing the following symptoms:

  • fever

  • cough

  • sore throat

  • runny or stuffy nose

  • body aches

  • headache

  • chills

  • fatigue

Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people with an infectious illness such as the flu remain at home until at least 24 hours after they are free of fever (100 degrees F or 37.8 degrees C) or signs of a fever without the use of fever-reducing medications. Customers who enter a library space with any of these symptoms will be asked to leave in accordance with these health guidelines.


The following examples are provided in this administrative policy as a way to illustrate ways in
which a customer’s conduct would violate the responsibilities defined in the Library Board
policy. The examples are intended to guide staff decision making. It does not presume to be a
complete list.

Customers are participants in a shared, public use environment and must conduct themselves
accordingly. They will be courteous, considerate and understanding of other library customers
and staff.

Examples of conduct that would violate this principle:

  • Behavior that is abusive, intimidating or disrespectful including obscene, racially charged
    or abusive language.

  • Conversation that is disruptive to other customers, including personal phone calls.

  • Disruptive behavior such as fighting, running, excessive noisemaking.

  • In the interest of safety and to minimize disruption to other customers, staff will wake
    sleeping customers.

  • Parents and caregivers are responsible to supervise the activities and choices of their charges.

Example of conduct that would violate this principle:

  • Leaving vulnerable individuals or children under eight years old unattended or alone in
    the library.

  • Not picking older children up by the time the library closes.

Customers are stewards of the library and its resources. They will value and respect library
property and conduct themselves in a safe and orderly way.

Examples of conduct that would violate this principle:

  • Defacing, damaging, or destroying library property.

  • Use of library furniture, power cords for personal electronic devices or sports equipment,
    such as skateboards, that create a physical hazard for others.

Customers will comply with federal, state, and local laws and Queen Anne’s County Library

Examples of conduct that would violate this principle:

  • Panhandling or soliciting.

  • Bringing dangerous weapons on the premises.

  • Consuming alcoholic beverages or controlled substances or being under the influence of
    alcohol or controlled substances in a manner that causes a public disturbance.

  • Smoking, chewing tobacco or use of e-cigarettes.

  • Infringement of copyright laws including illegal downloads of copyrighted material.

Staff Responsibilities

Staff play an important role to ensure that Queen Anne’s County Library is a welcoming public
library environment for all.

Staff are expected to:

  • Weigh the degree of disruptive conduct with the onsite conditions at the time.

  • Exercise their best judgment in determining conduct that is in violation of the Policy for
    Customer Use of Library Spaces and in determining the correct course of action.

  • Explain the Policy for Customer Use of Library Spaces to customers.

  • Request that customers conduct themselves in a way that is necessary to maintain a
    welcoming public library environment for all.

  • Seek assistance from library supervisors to resolve ongoing or escalating customer
    conduct issues.


Staff may ask a customer who is in violation of this policy to leave library property, and may call
the Centreville Police Department and/or QAC Sherriff’s Office for assistance if necessary.
Following each incident, staff will write an incident report, with all available identifying

The Director will use his/her judgment in each situation to decide the severity of the offense and
the appropriate course of action, including a ban from library property if necessary.

Length of Ban

Based on the severity of the misconduct, an offender is subject to a ban for one day, one week,
one month, one year or permanently at the discretion of the Library Director. All bans have the
possibility of appeal. Customers who return to Library property while their ban is still in effect
will be asked to leave library property. Once a ban has expired, staff will operate under the
underlying philosophy of forgiveness. For example, if a person who was previously disruptive is
in the Library and exhibits appropriate behavior, staff will not confront the individual or refer to
a previous ban.


A customer may request an appeal of the ban in writing to the Library Director within ten
working days of the ban notification. The Director will respond in writing within ten working
days. If the customer is not satisfied with the Director’s response, the customer may appeal in
writing within ten working days to the Library Board of Trustees for a final determination. The
Board will consider the written appeal at its next regular meeting and the customer will receive
written notification of the Board’s decision within ten working days.

Approved by Board of Trustees: July 23, 2018

Replaces Customer Rules of Conduct Policy approved by Board of Trustees: September 29, 2014